KnowledgeHound sample for embedding Survey Data Analysis

This demo site demonstrates how to embed the KnowledgeHound analysis tools for survey data in to your own site.

Email to get your API account setup.

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Quick Start

  1. Use KnowledgeHound's Authentication API to retrieve your JWT token. This demo includes a demo account and example to fetch a JWT.
  2. Create a container element for the analysis embed to exist in, E.G. <div id="kh-analysis-embed-app"></div>
  3. Include the analysis embed script tag and pass it the the JWT and key returned in search results received from indexing messages E.G. <script id="kh-analysis-embed" src="" type="text/javascript" ></script>
  4. You can also see (on the right) how the preview image for this embed looks when using the Image Preview API as part of a search result. Use the "preview_url" in the API response to set the src attribute of an img tag.

Below is an example of the embedded component on this page. You can see the details by viewing the source of this page.